Train Schedule | Train Time Table


What is Indian Railways Train Time Table?

All the trains of Indian Railways has the running schedule. The Train Schedule/Train Time Table contains train timing - from its departure station to its termination station. Halting time for the train at stoppages along the way are also mentioned in the time table.

What is the use of Indian Railway Time Table?

It was around 1860 when the railway time table was introduced in India. The motive of railway time table is to synchronize the running of trains across India based on their route and halt stations. It made sure that no two trains (from the same or opposite direction) reached a platform at the same time. The train time table today gives a complete idea about the running schedule of any train in India.

What are the important information associated with time table?

Some of the information associated with Indian train time table are train name and number, all the stations and Train status. Let us explain these railway time table facts for you.

  • Train Name and Number: Each train has a certain number, and they have a specific name tagged against them (which may or may not be unique). This information is essential in singling out a train from thousands of others running on that same day.

  • Stations: All the stations, which the train crosses along its route are included in a list of stations. A train might or might not have a stoppage (halt) at the stations mentioned in the list.

  • Train Status: A check about Train Running Status, gives the users an idea about the present location of the train, list of the upcoming stations, expected time of arrival at the upcoming stations and the delay record of the train.

What are the factors that may affect the train time table between two stations?

There are various climate and man-made situations which can cause a disruption in the Indian train time table. Trains are heavily delayed during the winter months (due to fog) and monsoons (due to heavy downpour). They are also hampered by road blocks, strikes, accidents en-route, and many other such factors.